Only genuine ingredients, passion and authentic flavors.
Today the consumer is increasingly attentive to the various aspects of quality. In addition to those intrinsic to the product, the consumer is attentive to the so-called cultural added values , such as typicality and designation of origin .
To guarantee this, it is necessary to put the entire food production process from farm to table under control. We do it every day. Our commitment is fundamental, strategic, rigorous and transparent.
We believe that the quality of our products is based on the use of raw materials exclusively produced in Sicily , controlled and of high quality. We believe that it is necessary to fully involve suppliers in order to achieve a constant level of quality and that is why we have established a direct relationship with all our suppliers. We believe that in a society like ours, those who, like us, work responsibly for well-being, must develop, produce and sell healthy and tasty products. We believe that the consumer feels more “safe” when he knows where the product comes from and when he knows that it has been subjected to a control at all stages of its production .
We want to make you feel good .
And it is for all these reasons that over the years we have established a very strong bond with the products of our land , using only flour , milk , eggs from hens raised outdoors, manna, lemons, real almonds , honey , dried fruit exclusively produced in Sicily . The commitment of all those responsible for each phase of our food chain in the accurate execution of their tasks, in compliance with current regulations and in the adoption of increasingly adequate technologies, is an indispensable condition. to ensure the maintenance of the quality of our products, both in terms of safety and taste. It is important for us to guarantee you quality every day under various aspects such as hygienic-sanitary, nutritional, sensory, technological and environmental.


Timilia flour, an ancient Sicilian durum wheat characterized by a low gluten index and Mallorca flour, an ancient soft wheat cultivated in Sicily for centuries and known to be among the poorest in gluten.
These wheats are grown and processed organically, keeping intact all the nutritional and organoleptic characteristics. In addition to the absence of GMOs, these grains are also stone ground, allowing to preserve all those properties that make the product not only healthier, but also more digestible.

100% natural
100% Sicilian

70% dark organic Modica PGI chocolate with Mascobado sugar
Dark chocolate of great character, the maximum expression of the Nacional aroma in perfect balance with the licorice notes of Mascobado raw cane sugar.
Modica chocolate or Modica chocolate is obtained from a particular “cold” processing of the chocolate which excludes the conching phase. In 2018, Modica chocolate obtained the recognition of Protected Geographical Indication from the European Union.

The lemon is a real gift of nature, since ancient times it was considered a sort of “panacea for all ills”. It is an indispensable and irreplaceable fruit for its countless beneficial and healing effects : it protects the immune system, aids digestion, reduces cholesterol levels, counteracts arteriosclerosis are just some of the benefits of this fruit. Furthermore, the caloric content of lemons is very low, while it is very rich in citric acid, malic acid, essential oils, oligominarali with an abundance of potassium, vitamins A, B and C. The lemon in the kitchen is widely used, both in the form of juice, both as a condiment and enriches many dishes. Its very aromatic peel is often included in the ingredients to prepare and flavor desserts.

Almond is the main ingredient of Sicilian pastry and is distinguished in many varieties. Originating from the Avola area, they are the most prized almond cultivars on international markets. The early flowering period, actually in the middle of winter, allows these cultivars to proliferate only in marine areas and low hills, where late frosts are very rare. For the undisputed nutritional qualities that distinguish them from other almonds, they are among the most sought after for dietary use.
For further information:

The Sicilian pistachio owes its precious and unique characteristics to its territory: it is evident it is extraordinary union between the plant and the lava soil which, continuously fertilized by volcanic ashes, gives rise to a fruit which, from the point of view of taste and aroma,exceeds the remaining world production in quality . The flavor is much more decisive , thanks to the characteristics of the soil, rich in mineral substances also due to the frequent lava flows of Etna.
Sicilian Pistachio is sweet, delicate, aromatic.

Only fresh milk from Sicilian cows reared in the pastures of the Ragusa valleys. Green and uncontaminated valleys of one of the greenest areas of our island. A fresh milk reminiscent of someone’s childhood
ten years ago, when Pietro “milkman” with his metal jug poured freshly milked milk into our boys’ bowls, simple and genuine.


Eggs from non-intensive farms where the animal has the opportunity to move freely in natural spaces and in daylight and not artificial. Free to live, eat and produce real country eggs, hot ready to be collected for use.
Manna of Sicily
The white gold of the Madonie
The production of manna is a complex and delicate process, the result of a fragile balance between man and nature. It is produced exclusively in the territories of Castelbuono and Pollina (in the province of Palermo).
It is a natural resin , a sugary substance that is extracted from the ash tree.
What makes it particularly interesting in the world of biscuits is that it is an amazing natural sweetener with low glucose and fructose content , which can be used as a sweetener for diabetics.
For further information: La Manna di Sicilia. History, properties and curiosities
Our “whys” of ancient grains
Modern times have accustomed us to eat the traditional white 0 or 00 soft wheat flour with which we produce almost everything: bread, pasta, baked goods, sweets, etc. This flour, however, is obtained from a grain produced on a large scale, selected and modified over the years to make the production richer and more abundant, a grain that is very poor from a nutritional point of view and rich in micro toxins since it comes from the Canada, Russia with ships in which it is stowed for months
Here are 10 reasons why you should start preferring ancient grains
They have not been genetically altered by humans
for this reason they have a much lower yield than the more common modern wheat. They are not processed intensively with the use of nitrogen fertilizers and glyphosate, because they are naturally very resistant to weeds due to their height and to mycotoxins because they grow easily in arid environments with a high rate of
They are less refined and more nutritious
since they are processed with stone grinding, as they have a very different gluten index compared to modern grains, which makes their processing difficult and not very compatible with modern pasta-making technologies. Comparative studies between ancient and modern wheat varieties have shown that the former lower or cancel the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the human body and also possess high quantities of vitamins and minerals and copper, iron, zinc and magnesium.
They contain a different quality of gluten.
The gluten in ancient grains does not it distinguishes, from a quantitative point of view, compared to modern varieties, but from a qualitative point of view. In fact, the gluten index is different, a parameter that expresses its strength, whose processing is more difficult and not very compatible with modern pasta making technologies. The gluten proteins of the ancient wheat varieties also contain fewer ‘toxic epitopes’, the amino acid sequences recognized by the lymphocytes of celiac subjects. A diet based on wheat varieties with fewer ‘toxic epitopes’ could therefore help prevent celiac disease, in consideration of several factors associated with its onset.
They help fight cholesterol, blood sugar and cardiovascular disease.
A recent study has highlighted that the use of ancient grain flours causes on the one hand a significant lowering of both total and LDL (or ‘bad’) cholesterol and blood glucose. On the other hand, there is an increase in stem cells in circulation, mobilized by the bone marrow, which are able to repair damaged blood vessels.
They are rich in polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherols and fibers
to which important nutraceutical functions are attributed, including antitumor, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, cardiovascular, antioxidant and antiviral activities.
They are better and more valuable
since being stone-milled and traditionally processed they keep their organoleptic properties intact and therefore have nuances of smells and flavors that the modern wheat industrialist can only dream of.
They protect biodiversity
or the differences naturally occurring in nature between grains by nation and region. In fact, these grains, precisely because the production costs are higher compared to a lower yield, risked disappearing.
They are grown organically, artisanal or semi-artisanally
and therefore they are far from the industrial dimension and from all the economic maneuvers that it implements in order to sell a mass product at a low price.
They require craftsmanship
precisely because they have a generally lower gluten index, they must necessarily be processed more carefully. They ask for lower processing temperatures and longer leavening times.
They value the small producer
that cultivates the land with a different ethic, the ethic of love and respect and needs of our organism and nature. Furthermore, the market for ancient grains generally has a short supply chain, with great advantage for the consumer.
“Chocolate of Modica IGP”
Even in the choice of chocolate, we wanted to satisfy the most demanding palates by preferring a product of Sicilian excellence such as Modica chocolate.
The correct processing of Modica chocolate involves cold processing, without adding cocoa butter and soy lecithin as an emulsifier – not concomitant, that is, not refining it.
In this way the sugar grains do not dissolve and do not mix with the cocoa mass, giving Modica that grainy, crumbly and slightly more tenacious consistency than the usual chocolates.
All characteristics that make Modica the only IGP chocolate in the world. The renowned Swiss chocolate, the French one, the Belgian one as well as the excellent chocolate from Turin or Perugia, however good, are not IGP.
The reason is simple, apart from slight differences, these chocolates are basically all the same.
CHOCOLATE OF MODICA PGI is the only chocolate that is different and therefore unique.
This is the secret of Modica chocolate biscuits and Mascobado sugar